And at the short end, rates jump all over the place, influenced more by the amount of money in the banking system ( a function of the reserve requirement ratio) than by the benchmark price. 从短期债券来看,利率全面飙升,这除了受到基准价格的影响外,更多是受到银行系统的资金量(银行存款准备金率的函数)的影响。
China's central bank is to cut its bank reserve requirement ratio by one percentage point. 中国央行将把银行存款准备金率下调一个百分点(简称降准)。
If the reserve requirement ratio is 10%, for example, a bank that receives a$ 100 deposit may lend out$ 90 of that deposit. 如果存款准备金率是10%,那比如说,一家银行收到100美元的存款就能把那笔钱里的90美元借出去。
Besides the cut, the central bank also slashed the bank reserve requirement ratio in February and April. 除了降息,央行还在二月和四月大幅削减了银行准备金率。
We expect the government to cut the reserve requirement ratio twice over the rest of 2012, with the next cut as early as July. We do not expect further interest rate cuts in 2012. 我们预计2012年剩余时间内政府将两次下调银行存款准备金率,下一次下调最早可能是在7月份,但预计2012年不会再次降息。
In February, it lowered the reserve requirement ratio, allowing banks to lend a larger share of their assets. 今年2月,中国又下调了存款准备金率,允许银行拿出更大部分的资产用于放贷。
And, as we expect to see more monetary easing in the form of at least two more reserve requirement ratio cuts and a further lowering of policy rates, business confidence could continue to improve. 我们预计将看到更多的货币宽松政策,包括至少还有两次下调存款准备金率以及进一步下调政策利率,因此企业信心可能会继续改善。
Many economists expect a cut in banks 'reserve requirement ratio, which would free up more money for lending. 许多经济学家预计中国央行将下调银行存款准备金率,从而释放出更多可用于放贷的资金。
Increases in the reserve requirement ratio, or the portion of overall deposits banks are required to keep in reserve at the central bank, have been more frequent than interest rate rises and had more of an effect on profitability, analysts said. 分析人士称,提高存款准备金率(即银行需要将存款总额中的一部分储蓄在央行)的措施比加息更为频繁,对银行的盈利能力影响也更大。
As well as raising interest rates, the central bank has lifted seven times this year the amount that banks must hold with it-the so-called reserve requirement ratio. 除上调利率以外,中国央行今年还7次调高了银行存款准备金率。
And while inflows are relatively easy to manage through conventional policy tools such as open market operations or changes to the reserve requirement ratio, sudden outflows would be more problematic, Mr Kurtz said. 库尔茨表示,尽管通过公开市场操作或调整银行准备金率等传统工具管理流入资本相对容易,但资本突然外流将是个棘手得多的问题。
The reserve requirement ratio, for example, is specifically designed to control lending growth. 譬如,上调存款准备金率,其确切目的是控制贷款增长。
The figure was leaked out earlier, though market participants had some doubt after the central bank raised the reserve requirement ratio by 100 bp over the past weekend. 该数据在稍早时得到透露,尽管市场参与者一度对其表示怀疑,因为中国央行在上一个周末刚把银行存款准备金率上调了100个基点。
Reserve requirement ratio is the percentage of bank reserves to the total of deposits and notes. 存款准备金率就是存款准备金占其存款总额的比例。
The central bank said it intends to do that by using "multiple financial tools", including interest rate rises, open market operations and adjustments of the reserve requirement ratio, or the proportion of deposits that banks must hold on reserve with the central bank. 中国央行表示,将动用“多种金融工具”实现上述目标,其中包括上调利率、公开市场操作、调整存款准备金率(即商业银行必须存放在央行的存款比例)。
The recent one-two punch of a rise in the reserve requirement ratio, then a reinstallation of loan quotas for certain lenders, was a classic. 最近打出的政策组合拳提高存款准备金率,接着恢复部分银行的贷款额度就是个经典的例子。
In order to make money, banks need to keep the lending rates high to compensate for the reduced earnings arising from the deposit reserve requirement ratio. 为了赚取利润,银行需要提高贷款利率,以弥补因遵守存款准备金率而少收的盈利。
The reduction of reserve requirement ratio is rarely seen in recent years. 同时公布的存款准备金率的下调幅度也是近年罕有。
It added that additional steps would likely be needed, including further mopping-up of excess liquidity by the central bank, but possibly also including additional hikes in benchmark interest rates and or the reserve requirement ratio. 国际货币基金组织补充说,可能有必要进一步采取措施,包括由央行进一步吸收过剩流动性,可能还包括进一步调升基准利率和/或存款准备金率。
We believe that tightening in the form of a hike in both deposit and lending interest rates, or yet another hike in the reserve requirement ratio, is imminent. 我们相信,以同时提高存贷款利率或再度提高存款准备金率为形式的紧缩手段即将到来。
Actually, from the beginning of this year the central bank has started tightening the money supply, it has raised reserve requirement ratio twice and once one year lending and deposit rates, the first time in 3 year the ratio has been raised. 其实央行从今年年初就已经开始收紧货币了,到现在已经两次提高存款准备金率,一次加息,这次加息还是近三年来的首次加息。
These included hikes in the lending rates and banks reserve requirement ratio. 这些措施包括提高贷款利率和存款准备金率。
The increase to reserve requirement ratio by the People's Bank of China is the sixth this year. 这次中国人民银行上调存款准备金率,是今年第六次。
Then, in the first use of one of the three key instruments since December 2008 ( the others are the lending rate and the deposit rate), it raised the reserve requirement ratio. 接着,央行宣布上调存款准备金率,这是自2008年12月以来央行首次动用三大关键政策工具之一(其它两项是贷款利率和存款利率)。